Aluminium Windows & Doors
All standard and custom made windows & doors.
- We design and build custom windows and doors according to the customers exact requirements and each project’s needs.
- All standard windows and doors are also manufactured.
- We provide for:
- Tophung,
- Sidehung,
- Tilt & Turn,
- Fixed,
- Pivot
- As well as Sliding Windows.
- All items are according to AAAMSA requirements
- Glazing is done in accordance to SAGGA regulations
- Aluminium Sliding Doors
- Aluminium Windows
- Custom Made Aluminium Windows & Doors

Contact Us Today!
To get a qoute for custom or standard windows or doors installations

Aluminium Shop Fronts, Curtain Walls & Facade's
Shopfronts, Curtain walls & Façades are manufactured and installed to the clients specific requirements and in accordance with the required wind loads guided by AAAMSA and SAGGA programs.

Frameless & Aluminium Showers
Aluminum showers in standard sizes and colors as well as custom made sizes All frameless showers made to the specific requirements of the client/project

Pick and choose between our variety of stainless steel balustrading. Making use of cables, TSG glass or even stainless steel tubing – we believe that while balustrades should keep you and your family safe, they can also be incredibly stylish.